Cannabis News
Adults benefit from medical cannabis for autism
The quality of life for adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) could be improved by medical cannabis, according to a recent study in the UK.
Using data from the UK, a paper published this week found the treatment improved quality of life and reduced behavioural and psychological symptoms.
An estimated 700,000 people in the UK suffer from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Additional symptoms associated with ASD, such as severe anxiety and insomnia, often pose challenges to those with the diagnosis.
Several conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, are treated with cannabis-based medicinal products (CBMPs) since medical cannabis was rescheduled in 2018. ASD symptoms and co-morbidities have also been identified as promising therapeutic targets for the treatment.
Based on data collected by Sapphire Medical Clinics’ UK Medical Cannabis Registry (UKMCR), the study found that anxiety was reduced, sleep and associated symptoms were improved, as well as overall health-related quality of life, following initiation of medical cannabis for autism treatment.
An observational study looking at the effects of CBMPs at a medical cannabis clinic on autistic adults is the first of its kind.
Analysing medical cannabis for autism
At one, three, and six months, the researchers compared self-reported outcome data from 74 patients with ASD, whose average age was 33, as measured by the Generalised Anxiety Disorder scale, the Single-Item Sleep Quality Scale (SQS), and the EQ-5D-5L Quality of Life scale.
The EQ-5D-5L and SQS significantly improved at one and three months, with sustained improvements at six months (p<0.010). Mobility, self-care, ability to undertake usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression are the five factors measured by the EQ-5D-5L scale.
The treatment options for people with autism are currently limited, and the medications that are used are often not well-evidenced and come with significant and ongoing side-effects.
As a result of cannabis treatment, prescriptions of benzodiazepines and antipsychotics were reduced by 33 percent and 25 percent, respectively.
Additionally, side effects (or adverse events) were monitored and evaluated in patients treated with CBMPs.
The majority of patients (81.1%) tolerated CBMPs well. A minor or moderate adverse event was experienced by 19% of participants.
“ASD can lead to a variety of challenging symptoms that can have a devastating effect on the quality of life of adults with the condition,” according to Dr James Rucker, a psychiatrist at Sapphire Medical Clinics.” It is not the goal of treatment here to modify the core characteristics of autism. The values people hold can be valuable and form a core part of a person’s identity. “
“Rather, treatment with CBMPs helps to alleviate the burden of associated symptoms, including debilitating generalised and social anxiety, severe insomnia, repetitive and distressing patterns of thought, and the emotional distress that can often occur in response to rapid change.”
“The results of this study reflect my clinical experience prescribing CBMPs. However, there is a lack of clinical trial evidence available that informs us all objectively about the efficacy and safety of CBMPs. These findings present a significant step forward for research in this area, although they form only the first step in a longer and more rigorous process of evaluation,” Dr Rucker stated.
“Based in part on the results of this study, we have applied for grant funding for a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of CBMPs in those with ASD who also suffer with anxiety and insomnia. If funded, this trial may be a significant advance in the quest to develop new interventions for this group of people.”
Dr Simon Erridge, head of research and access at Sapphire Medical Clinics and lead author of study, added: “These findings, whilst promising, do highlight the fact that further evaluation is required to improve our understanding of the potential benefits of medical cannabis for adults with ASD. Essential to this is a commitment to RCTs to inform guidelines and day to day care for those with ASD. “