Cannabis News
How Long Does Cannabis Stay in your System for Driving UK?

Driving with Cannabis in your System:
Recent changes to the law in the UK have made it legal for medical cannabis to be prescribed for certain conditions. However, these changes have also raised questions about the impact of medical cannabis on driving.
According to the UK Department for Transport, it is illegal to drive with certain drugs in your body, including cannabis. This applies to both recreational and medical cannabis, and it is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that they are not impaired by drugs while driving.
The amount of time that medical cannabis remains in the body can vary depending on a number of factors, including the individual’s metabolism, the amount and potency of the cannabis, and how it was consumed. In general, cannabis can be detected in the body for several days after use, and it can remain in the hair for several months.
It is important to note that even if a person is using medical cannabis legally and under the supervision of a doctor, they could still be charged with drug driving if they are found to be impaired while behind the wheel. This is why it is important for individuals who are using medical cannabis to be aware of how it may affect their ability to drive, and to avoid driving if they are impaired.
Overall, medical cannabis can remain in the body for several days after use, and it is illegal to drive with certain drugs in your system. It is important for individuals who are using medical cannabis to be aware of how it may affect their ability to drive, and to make sure they are not impaired while behind the wheel.
The Law Around Driving whilst taking Medical Cannabis:
The laws around driving under the influence of cannabis are strict, and if you get caught with drugs in your system and behind the wheel, there can be serious consequences. But, the question many people want to know is how long does it stay in your system?
This is a difficult question to answer accurately. If you’re going through a period of heavy daily use, it can stay in your system for several weeks after the last time you use it. But if you’re an infrequent user, it may only show up for a few days.
In general, though, here’s how long you can expect cannabis to show up on drug tests:
Urine test: 3-30 days after last use
Hair test: Up to 90 days after last use
Blood test: 1-7 days after last use
Saliva test: 1-10 days after last use
If you are a habitual user of cannabis (smoke 5+ times per day), it can make it difficult to pass a drug test. This is because THC accumulates in your fat cells and takes longer to release from your body.
UK Cannabis laws are pretty strict compared to many other countries, especially the USA. Even simple possession can lead to a 5 year jail sentence and an unlimited fine. However, for most people that is unlikely, but it does mean you need to be extra careful if you drive after taking cannabis.