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Cannabis & Insomnia: How Medical Cannabis Can Help You Sleep

Treating insomnia has become a big part of the conversation surrounding cannabis these days. This is due to the fact that the main chemical in marijuana, THC, has been shown to be an effective treatment for people suffering from insomnia.

person suffering from insomnia

Treating Insomnia with Cannabis:

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of people every year. There are many different forms of this sleep problem, including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up too early in the morning and feeling tired throughout your day. Insomnia can cause a lot of stress and anxiety, especially if it’s a chronic problem and not just a temporary issue.

Medical cannabis is a perfect solution to treat insomnia in many ways. The use of medical cannabis has become a trend in recent years, and it has proved to be effective all over the world. If you are looking for an alternative treatment for insomnia, consider giving medical cannabis a try instead. The best thing about this is that it comes with no side effects and is very easy to use. This makes it convenient for everyone.

In order to know how cannabis can help with your sleep problems, here are some of its benefits:

  • It Contains Natural Sleep-Promoting Compounds. Medical cannabis contains compounds such as THC and CBD, which promote sleepiness and release calming neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin. When you take medical cannabis at night before bedtime, its sleep-inducing properties will help you unwind and prepare for bedtime.
  • Apart from THC itself, cannabis also contains other substances called cannabinoids, which have a sedative effect on the body and can help you fall asleep.
  • There are also some non-cannabinoid components in cannabis that have a sedative effect, such as terpenes and flavonoids. These are responsible for an anti-anxiety effect and can make you feel more relaxed and sleepy.

Read more on medical cannabis and its benefits here.

How Many People in the UK Suffer from Insomnia?

According to research from FormulateHealth, it is estimated that 36% of adults in the UK struggle to sleep. Almost 1 in 5 people have difficulties sleeping every single night. In terms of the demographic, the study revealed that women have more trouble falling asleep, incomparison to men. Also, 55% of people that were studied, informed that they struggle to get to sleep at least once a month.

ages of people suffering from insomnia

Source: FormulateHealth

Moreover, cannabis is a drug that affects each individual differently so it’s important to find the right strains and dosage for your personal needs. You should always start with a low dose when trying out a new strain to avoid any unwanted side effects from occurring. If you have trouble sleeping because of pain, you can try using a strain that is high in CBD. Insomniacs dealing with anxiety should look for strains high in THC like Blue Dream or OG Kush.

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