Cannabis News
Medical Cannabis Dispensary Launched by Campaigner
Hannah Deacon helped pave the way for legalising medical cannabis (cbd oil) for epilepsy in the UK. Now she is launching her own dispensary in her hometown.
Her son, Alfie Dingley, used to suffer from a shocking 150 seizures per week. Now he has incredibly been ‘two years seizure-free’ according to Deacon; thanks to cbd oil.
The pair had previously moved to the Netherlands, to access cbd for epilepsy for Alfie. They then came back to the UK and launched a major nation-wide campaign against archaic legislation surrounding the drug.
Finally, in June 2018, history was made. Alfie was given the first prescription for medical cannabis in the UK.
A new independent dispensary
Since that landmark event Hannah Deacon has become close friends with her son’s pharmacist, Caroline Harvey.
The two of them battled to legalise medical cannabis, and now together have launched Botanical Health Dispensary in Warwickshire.
The dispensary aims to give patients in the UK more choice and easier access to cannabis for medicinal use.
Not only this, but the team truly knows what it’s like to be a patient or have a patient in the family, and be unsure of the process for receiving treatment.
Medical cannabis UK law - further advances required
Hannah, medical cannabis patient advocate, founder of MedCan Support and Director of Maple Tree and the Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society, said:
“When Alfie’s doctor, Professor Mike Barnes, started work with the Home Office to get the schedule one licence needed to prescribe for Alfie, he needed to find a GP to prescribe under his direction, an importer, and most importantly, a pharmacist willing to dispense the medicine.”
Many of these hurdles still exist today, 4 years on. This is especially true with medication still needing to be imported from overseas for most cases.
Botanical Health Dispensary, at least in Warwickshire, is seeking to alleviate as many of these problems as possible for local patients.